Peer-Reviewed Published Articles
- Trembley, A, LE Rowsey, and B Speers-Roesch (accepted). Is the diel cycle of routine metabolic rate in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) affected by near-infrared lighting used for visualizing behaviour of fishes at night? Journal of Fish Biology.
- Cowan, Z-L, L Green, TD Clark, TA Blewett, J De Bonville, T Gagnon, E Hoots, L Kuchenmüller, RHJ Leeuwis, J Navajas Acedo, LE Rowsey, H Scheuffele, M Skeeles, L Silva-Garay, F Jutfeit, and SA Binning (2024). Global change and premature hatching of aquatic embryos. Global Change Biology, 30(9): e17488. link
- Rowsey, LE, JD Kieffer, and B Speers-Roesch (2024). Temperature-dependent exercise recovery is not associated with behavioral thermoregulation in a salmonid fish. Journal of Thermal Biology, 123(1): 103888. link
- Rowsey, LE, C Reeve, T Savoy, and B Speers-Roesch (2024). Thermal constraints on exercise and metabolic performance do not explain the use of dormancy as an overwintering strategy in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(1): jeb246741. link
- Norin, T, LE Rowsey, TM Houslay, C Reeve, and B Speers-Roesch (2024). Among-individual variation in thermal plasticity of fish metabolic rates causes profound variation in temperature-specific trait repeatability, but does not co-vary with behavioural plasticity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379(1896): 20220488. link
- Reeve, C, LE Rowsey, and B Speers-Roesch (2022). Inactivity and the passive slowing effect of cold on resting metabolism as the primary drivers of energy savings in overwintering fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(8): jeb243407. Featured in Inside JEB. JEB Editor's Choice. link
- Khursigara, AJ, LE Rowsey, JL Johansen, and AJ Esbaugh (2021). Behavioral changes in a coastal marine fish lead to increased predation risk following oil exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(12): 8119-8127. link
- Jutfelt, F, T Norin, ER Åsheim, LE Rowsey, AH Andreassen, R Morgan, TD Clark, and B Speers-Roesch (2021). The aerobic scope protection hypothesis: a mechanism explaining reduced growth of ectotherms in warming environments? Functional Ecology, 35(1): 1397-1407. link
- Rowsey, LE, JL Johansen, AJ Khursigara, and AJ Esbaugh (2019). Oil exposure impairs predator-prey dynamics in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Marine and Freshwater Research, 71(1): 99-106. link
Published Preprints and Other Articles
- Rowsey, LE, JD Kieffer, and B Speers-Roesch (2023). Brook Char (Salvelinus Fontinalis) Show Temperature-Dependent Exercise Recovery Yet Do Not Exhibit Behavioral Thermoregulation Following Exercise. SSRN. link (preprint)
- Jutfelt, F, T Norin, ER Åsheim, LE Rowsey, AH Andreassen, R Morgan, TD Clark, and B Speers-Roesch (2020). The aerobic scope protection hypothesis: a mechanism explaining reduced growth of ectotherms in warming environments? EcoEvoRxiv. link (preprint)
- Clapp, SR*, LE Rowsey*, and JA Grant* (2016). The effects of snorkel-based tourism on the behavior of reef fishes. Texas Undergraduate Research Journal, 15(1): 1-18. link (undergraduate university journal) *authors contributed equally